Saturday, December 28, 2019

Global Positioning System (GPS) for Pilots

Global Positioning System (GPS) for PilotsGlobal Positioning System (GPS) for PilotsThe global positioning system, orGPSas it is commonly known, is a vital component to modernair navigation, and an invaluable component of the FAAs NextGen program. GPS data allows pilots to obtain precise three-dimensional or four-dimensional location data. The GPS system uses triangulierung to determine an aircrafts exact location, as well as speed, track, distance to or from checkpoints, and time. History of GPS The United States military first used GPS as a navigation tool in the 1970s. In the 1980s, the U.S. government made GPS available to the general public, free of charge, with one catch A special mode, called Selective Availability, would be enabled to purposefully reduce the accuracy of GPS for public users, reserving only the most accurate version of GPS for the military. In 2000, under the Clinton administration, selective availability was turned off, and the saatkorn accuracy that the military had benefited from was made available to the general public. GPS Components The GPS system has three components The space segment, control segment, and user segments. The space component consists of about 31 GPS satellites. The United States Air Force operates these 31 satellites, plus three to four decommissioned satellites that can be reactivated if needed. At any given moment, a minimum of 24 satellitesareoperational in a specially designed umlaufbahn, ensuring that at least four satellites are in view at the same time from almost any point on earth. The complete coverage that satellites offer makes the GPS system the most reliable navigation system in modern aviation. The control segment is made up of a series of ground stations used to interpret and relay satellite signals to various receivers. Ground stations include a master control station, an alternate master control station, 12 ground antennas, and 16 monitoring stations. The user segment of the GPS system inv olves various receivers from all different types of industries. National security, agriculture, space, surveying, and mapping are all examples of end users in the GPS system. In aviation, the user is typically the pilot, who views GPS data on display in the cockpit of the aircraft. How It Works GPS satellites orbit about 12,000 miles above us, and complete one orbit every 12 hours. They are solar powered, fly in medium Earth orbit and transmit radio signals to receivers on the ground. Ground stations use the signals to track and monitor satellites, and these stations provide the master control station (MCS) with data. The MCS then provides precise position data to the satellites. The receiver in an aircraft receives time data from the satellites atomic clocks. It compares the time it takes for the signal to go from the satellite to the receiver, and calculates distance based on that very accurate and specific time. GPS receivers use triangulation date from at three satellites t o determine a precise two-dimensional location. With at least four satellites in view and operational, three-dimensional location data can be obtained. GPS Errors Ionosphere interference the signal from the satellites actually slows down as it passes through the Earths atmosphere. GPS technology accounts for this error by taking an average time, which means the error still exists but is limited. Clock error The clock on the GPS receiver might not be as accurate as the atomic clock on the GPS satellite, creating a very slight accuracy problem.Orbital error Orbit calculations can be inaccurate, causing ambiguity in determining the satellites exact location.Position error GPS signals can bounce off of buildings, terrain, and even electrical interference can occur. GPS signals are only available when the receiver can see the satellite, meaning the data will be missing or inaccurate among tall buildings, dense terrain, and underground. Practical Use of GPS GPS is widely used in aviation today as a source ofarea navigation. Almost every aircraft built today come with a GPS unit installed as standard equipment. General aviation, business aviation, and commercial aviation have all found valuable uses for GPS. From basic navigation and position data to airspeed, tracking and airport locations, GPS is a precious tool for aviators. Installed GPS units can be approved for use in IMC and for otherIFR flights.Instrument pilotsfind GPS to be extremely helpful in maintaining situational awareness and flying instrument approach procedures. Handheld units, while not approved for IFR use, can be a helpful back-up for instrument failures, as well as a valuable tool for maintaining situational awareness in any situation. Pilots flying VFR also use GPS as a navigation tool and a back-up to traditional pilotage and dead reckoning techniques. All pilots can appreciate GPS data in emergency situations, as the database will allow them to search for the nearest airport, calcula te time en route, fuel on board, time of sunset and sunrise, and much, much more. Most recently, the FAA has enabledWAASGPS procedures for approaches, introducing a new precision approach to pilots in the gestalt of aLocalizer Performance with Vertical Guidance (LPV) approach. This is a precision approach that will enable the national airspace system to become much more efficient and assist in meeting the needs of thenational airspace systemin the future.

Monday, December 23, 2019

How to Answer Interview Questions About Availability

How to Answer Interview Questions About AvailabilityHow to Answer Interview Questions About AvailabilityOne question you might be asked during a job interview is, What days/hours are you available to work? Employers often ask this because they want to know how flexible you are. When answering this question, you want to be honest about your availability, but also emphasize that you are flexible, within reason. What the Interviewer Really Wants to Know The interviewer wants to know what days and hours you are available to work and how flexible you are around those days and hours. The way you answer this question varies slightly whether you are applying for a full-time job, a part-time or a shift job. 030 3 Ways Answer Questions on Availability If you are applying for a shift job or a part-time job, an employer might ask this question because they want to see if you would be willing to work less popular days and hours (like nights and weekends). If you are applying for a full-time job, the employer might want to know if you are willing to work hours and days outside of a typical workweek. How to Answer Interview Questions About Your Availability When you answer interview questions about your work availability, be honest about any commitments that are bedrngnis flexible. For example, if you must take your children to work in the morning, or if you cannot work evenings because you take a night class, say so. Do not promise you will be available if you know you will be unavailable. If you are applying for a full-time job, you want to emphasize that you are willing and able to put in a full workweek and that you can work occasional other hours as needed. If you are applying for a part-time job, or a shift job, you will want to emphasize your flexibility even more. If there are certain days or hours you simply cannot work, say so. However, emphasize that you are open and flexible about any other days or hours they may need. It will show the employer that you will make your work a priority. Examples of the Best Answers If you are asked questions about your work availability by an interviewer, ansicht sample answers might help you develop your own response. I expected, when I applied for this job, that it would require long hours. I knew it was full-time and then some. I realize that it is a salaried position and overtime is included in my salary. I enjoy my work and usually take work home with me anyway, so long hours dont bother me. Im used to that in my current position. ExpandWhy It Works This is an appropriate answer for a full-time, salaried position if similar positions in similar companies usually require not only a regular workweek but also overtime hours. This answer would please the interviewer if there was concern about the applicants dedication to the job or ability or desire to work longer hours. I am available to work Monday through Friday, and I am very flexible about the start and end times on those days. Im willing t o make occasional additional hours work with my schedule. I really value my weekend time with my family. Im more than willing to go above and beyond during the voreingestellt work week. ExpandWhy It Works This answer would work for either a full-time salaried or hourly job if you want to make it clear to the interviewer that you have a family and want to have some sort of work/life balance. Its always best to make it clear up front what your limitations are regarding work availability. Im available during school hours while my children are at school, 9 am - 3 pm, Monday through Friday. I am also available most weekends, especially during the day. Note A prospective employer is not legally allowed to ask whether or not you have children and youre not required to volunteer this information. ExpandWhy It Works This is an appropriate answer for either part-time or shift work. It clearly states the hours that you are available to work so there would be no misunderstandings. Im flexible a nd available just about any time you need me to work. I am simply looking forward to joining the team and helping whenever I am most needed. ExpandWhy It Works You could use this answer, or something similar, with full-time, part-time, or shift work. Be aware that you are signaling the interviewer that you are ready and willing to work whenever you are needed. My schedule is flexible. I can take almost any shift you need me to take. ExpandWhy it Works This is a clear, succinct answer appropriate for shift work. Tips for Giving the Best Answer Research the company. Before your interview, research the company. Find out what the work availability requirements are for the employees who work similar jobs to the one you are applying for. You can use the website LinkedIn to research many companies. Research the company culture. Just because the company only requires a certain number of hours per week doesnt mean that the employees only work that number of hours per week. Be honest. Its important that you are honest about your work availability but not to the point of being abrasive or abrupt. If you are asked about the hours you can work, answer the question directly and calmly. Be brief. If you have prepared answers to frequently asked interview questions, you should be able to answer a question about your work availability briefly and succinctly. What Not to Say Dont change your nind. If the interviewer says something about work hours that you are not prepared for, dont get visibly nervous or change your mind about the hours you already know you can and cannot work. Its important that you are absolutely honest with the interviewer about this issue. Dont try to negotiate. Dont go to the job interview thinking that its possible you can negotiate working hours that are already set with the interviewer. You will waste both your time. Possible Follow-Up Questions Since you will be doing shift work, how do you handle your sleep, health, and family life requir ements? Best AnswersWould you be interested in this part-time job if, at some point in the future, it turned into full-time? Best Answers Key Takeaways Prepare for this question about work availability in advance. Determine what hours you can and cannot work and stick to those hours when talking with the interviewer.Always be honest about your work availability when talking with the interviewer. If you say you can work anytime and you are hired under that assumption, you must be prepared to follow through.Research the company and the company culture. Find out the hours someone in the position you are interviewing for normally works and how that compares with the hours on the job description.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

A Beginners Guide to a Product Management Career - The Muse

A Beginners Guide to a Product Management Career - The MuseA Beginners Guide to a Product Management CareerI remember the first college class I ever took where I actually read the assigned readings each week simply because I welches interested in what I was learning. Up until then I had become a professional skimmer and was convinced I would never find the right major. That class was human-centered design, and it is what I consider the start of my career in product management. I just found the intersection between solving problems with technology and how people actually use that technology so absolutely fascinating. You mayve just learned about product management as well and are wondering, Could that field be right for me? Or, maybe youve been thinking about it for a while and still arent koranvers exactly what it would entail. While most product managers are mora than happy to talk to someone interested in the field to help get a better sense of the job, there are things that you ca n do on your own first to answer some of your questions. So, in an alternate universe, if I was trying to figure out if I wanted to pursue this professionally, here are the three things I would tell myself to do right now.1. Read These BooksProduct managements gained popularity over the last 10 or so years thanks to great product companies like Apple, Facebook, and Google. But just because its new doesnt mean there isnt loads of great content already out there These three books in particular are each relatively quick reads and they cover the fundamental concepts.The Design of Everyday Things by Don NormanThis book is really more about design and usability than strict product management. It is what started me thinking about everything in life as a product Itll make you realize that every single decision that goes into making even basic things like a door or a chair has trade-offs. And those trade-offs affect how people will (or will not) use what you make. You will know immediately i f thinking about designing things for people is something you have a passion for or not.Inspired How to Create Products Customers Love by Marty CaganThis is one of the few books that truly answers the question, What the heck does a product manager actually do all day? Marty Cagan is one of the godfathers of product, and in this he breaks down all of the responsibilities of the role and gives great real-world advice on how to effectively accomplish each of them.The Innovators Dilemma by Clayton ChristensenIn product, and business in general, youll often hear references to the concepts from this book, so you may think that you know the ideas well enough. You dont. You need to read this book yourself to really appreciate the concepts. Noted product management author, Ken Norton described it in his famous Books for Product Managers blog post as, The most important book of the past fifty years. If youre a technology PM and you havent read Christenson, do so right now. I listened to him a nd he was right. 2. Bookmark These Blogs Now and Read All Past Posts (But Really)There are millions of product and tech blogs out there that are good, but one of the first things you will need to learn as a PM is how to prioritize. So, if you had to pick only a few ways to get your information each week, ansicht would be my picks.Marty Cagans BlogIf his anthroponym sounds familiar, its because we just spoke about him a few paragraphs ago. If youre trying to get into this industry, youll need to know how to do things like define product principles and create a roadmap. Cagan will tell you how to do these things. The good thing for you is that while a lot of people currently in the field may have more experience than you, they still do these things wrong. So, learning about them from someone like him will at least let you start on the right foot without any bringing any bad habits along.Ken Nortons BlogYes, this name again Nortons most famous for teaching us to always bring the donuts . He has years of experience in product, most notably at Google, and now as a partner of Google Ventures. Some of his most famous posts include What To Do in your First 30 Days as a PM (I followed these rules in my first 30 days at The Muse and it served me well), How to Work with Software Engineers, and How to Hire a Product Manager. You can subscribe to his weekly newsletter to get good insight into the similar problems all product managers face.TechCrunchOK, so you dont need to read all past posts for this one- that would not be a good use of your time. But being a product manager in the digital world is going to require being aware of whats going on in the industry, whether thats new technologies being released, recent funding rounds or acquisitions, or just insights into new products across different sectors. There are loads of blogs you can use to get this information (like Hacker News, Gizmodo, and so on), so it doesnt only need to be TechCrunch. But pick your favorites and g et into the habit of consuming this information daily.ProductHuntThe amount of awesome products out there is inspiring ProductHunt will introduce you to new ones each day that you can learn from, and even potentially use to make your life easier.3. Start Thinking in a Product Mindset for Everything You Do Every DayAt this point, if the field still interests you, welcome Youre about to enter a weird world that is awesome and exciting, where your work is never complete and your nutzers problems will never be 100% solved. Youll soon realize the way you think about everything you use in your life will change. Have you ever tried to purchase something on your phone and you almost threw your phone across the room out of frustration while trying to complete the purchase form? Well guess what- a product manager was responsible for pushing that live (with the help of an engineering and design team) and there are a million reasons why it couldve been created that way. Maybe they couldnt come to an agreement across internal departments on which fields to cut from the form and now the user (and companys conversion numbers) has to pay for it. Maybe they didnt properly prioritize the importance of building a responsive form because they didnt understand what percent of their users use the site on mobile. Maybe they did and you were in the minority, so the mobile features were purposefully deprioritized No doubt, if youre being interviewed by a somewhat decent company, in the first or second round you will get questions like, What is your favorite product to use? and How would you improve that product? So do yourself a favor now and start thinking in this mindset all day, every day. When you use something that was so easy that you didnt think about it, take a moment to appreciate that And think about how hard it probably was for that product team to deliver something so beautifully simple. Starting to view your world with this mindset will help you start thinking like a prod uct manager before you land your very frist job.Within the world of product management, there are many different directions you can choose to go in. Your experience will vary depending on the types of products you work on and the types of companies you work with. But no matter what, these three first steps should help you figure out if this career is right for you and hopefully ignite your passion for itAnd if its already ignited, check out these open product management positions now.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Majority of us are looking for a new job at our jobs

Majority of us are looking for a new job at our jobsMajority of us are looking for a new job at our jobsIn my last class of school, my professor offered his students one piece of parting career advice that has stayed with me years later. The best time to find a job, he advised, was when you already have a job. You have the greatest leverage when the hiring manager knows you could walk away, he said.This is advice that many employees beyond me are taking to heart. In a new survey from weltweit staffing firm Accountemps, the vast majority of working professionals - 78% - said they felt at least somewhat comfortable looking for a new job while with their present company.In fact, they were so comfortable that a majority of workers were also doing their job hunt at their current workplace. Sixty-four percent of respondents said they were doing their search from their jobs. But before you set up a job interview, you will need to be discreet, careers experts advise.The perils of job hunti ng at your jobMillennials ages 18 to 34 were the most open to conducting job searches at their jobs, compared to older generations, according to the survey. Men were also more likely to job hunt on the clock with 72% of them looking, compared to 55% of women doing the same.While job hunting at work is increasingly common, there are many ways this method can backfire, as a recent Wall Street Journal article illustrates. In the article, one job seeker told his boss he was going to a doctors appointment but forgot he had a shared calendar with his colleagues that revealed he was going to interview with Company X. The job seeker said his boss never fully trusted him again after the incident. It is a lesson in discretion. Even as you seek out a new job, you want to preserve your current relationships, because careers are long and you never know who you may work with again.Job hunting, in general, is hard. Looking for a new job is an unpaid second job on top of your actual work. It can be easy to answer LinkedIn connections at your job. But career experts said that keeping boundaries between the two activities is key to keeping your current workplace happy.While its OK to pursue new opportunities while employed, a search should never interfere with your current job,Michael Steinitz, executive director of Accountemps, said in a statement. Schedule interviews during lunch breaks or outside of business hours, and avoid posting anything on social media that indicates youre on the market.

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Hidden Treasure of Excited Synonym Resume

The Hidden Treasure of Excited Synonym Resume 1 approach to stop tedium is to steer clear of predictable speech patterns. You can receive yur resume reviewed through internet grammar checkers or ask aid from professionals. Its possible to use closely-related synonyms, but its best to simply use the exact adjectives and keywords. Keep away from jargon and overly technical info. The Ultimate Approach for Excited Synonym Resume Sparingly utilize words of authority if you dont have the experience to support it. Theres no greater place to begin than the very first sentence. Resume examples for free will help you in a detailed process on the best way to compose your resume. Only utilize adjectives to describe yourself if youre ready to back this up immediately afterwards.The usage of simile can be rather tricky for children. Given the significance of a titelbild letter, you cannot afford to blow it. While it is not difficult to concentrate solely on developing a strong resume, your cover letter is liable for gaining the interest of employers and setting yourself exotisch from the rest of the candidates. Treat a cover letter for a possiblity to earn a human connection, not a formality, states Majumdar. Remember that HR personnel of the majority of companies are extremely good in regards to detail. Bubbly As a new job applicant, you can be keen to showcase your effervescent personality at work, where everything looks new and exciting, but you should be cautious not to make yourself sound as if you are ditzy or giddy. Just upload your resume in their system then paste the whole job description to begin the comparison. You cant blame them since they are trained to sift through loads of resumes everyday simply to discover the ideal candidate for employment. Companies believe their workplace is stressful and wish to make certain job seekers can deal with the stress, he explains. If you wish to allow it to be effortless for the recruiter to check that yo u satisfy the requirements, utilize a highlighter on your resume. Hiring managers want to scan your resume and discover the information that they need in record time so that they are able to move on to the next resume. They are fully aware of that. Committed Show that youre devoted to your work, begin to finish. Nobody will be interested in skills which arent linked to the position youre applying. We know it is a popular one because this short article is just one of the most commonly viewed on the Monster blog. You must convey interview excitement. Take a look at the expert experience section of our how to compose a resume guide, and you will be up to speed right away What You Dont Know About Excited Synonym Resume For instance, recruiters at the same company may be searching for men and women that are hands-on, collaborative, innovative and determined, which you are able to learn from how they talk about their company online. This is all-the-more crucial within this still -tight jobs market. Conventional resumes usually start out with a summary statement that reads, Seeking to be a valuable member of the advertising team in your organization. Your cover letter should state what you can do to help the business. Including that particular data in the cover letter indicates that youre interested and already have ideas for how you are able to assist the organization. So you would like to find out more about the business first, then discover the name of the boss and write them a letter. Instead, you are going to want to read enough about the enterprise to make a really personalized comment in your cover letter. Its a fast and straightforward means to put a small expert polish on your resume, irrespective of your word choice. Enthusiastic Word Choices Selecting the most suitable words might be highly effective means of conveying enthusiasm without needing to pepper the page with exclamation marks. These words are certainly the flavor of the month at this time. Knowing that, its well worth taking a while to consider what message that you want to send. Try to remember that your resume is your very first line of defense in regards to landing your ideal job. Just make sure not to overembellish, or you might get into trouble during the interview. No need to pen your own personal manifesto.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Honest to Goodness Truth on Monster Resume Writing Services Review

The Honest to Goodness Truth on Monster Resume Writing Services Review Choosing Monster Resume Writing Services Review Peculiarly, its the hardest part, because most individuals are utilized to see only bad things in their past. Now that there are hundreds and hundreds of complaints and negative reviews, an increasing number of people become disappointed with the businesss quality of resumes. Founded over twenty decades past, it is a tool that lots of folks make usage of each and every day. Finally, theres the resume builder that many of people loves while lots of people hates. Fortunately, there are a lot of colleges and universities which dont require an admission essay Youre requesting a particular job. The site mainly, focuses on truly being a platform where you are able to look for jobs and the recruiters can post jobs. Picking out the appropriate format for employment job application is among the most essential areas of producing an extremely effective continue. Th e New Fuss About Monster Resume Writing Services Review As a result, its your key obligation to create your application much superior than their own. A resume isnt merely a must-have paper. Imagine the standard of writing youll receive from a low-cost essay writing service. Utilizing a writing service is the perfect method to have a well-written essay to use as a guideline to guarantee the essays you write are hitting all the important points and are at the appropriate depth necessary for your academic grade. For instance, if youre trying to find monster resume writing services specifically, you are going to have to visit the Career Resources sections and choose the Resume Writing Services. Ask yourself if Monster is best for you. He or she is different kind of resume service available in the market. At the very first glance, the monster resume website is apparently professionally designed.

Friday, November 29, 2019

ASME INSPIRE Hits Milestone, Celebrates Student Champions

ASME INSPIRE Hits Milestone, Celebrates Student Champions ASME INSPIRE Hits Milestone, Celebrates Student Champions ASME INSPIRE Hits Milestone, Celebrates Student ChampionsJune 9, 2017 Sixty-three sixth-grade students at Joseph A. Cavallaro School Middle School in Brooklyn, N.Y., were recognized for successfully completing the ASME INSPIRE program during a three-year anniversary celebration for the program held on May 17.The third year is indeed the charm for ASME INSPIRE, as the program finishes the 2017 academic year in more than 1,000 middle and high schools 1,034, to be exact across 47 states and the District of Columbia. In terms of classroom reach, more than 1,000 teachers and nearly 48,000 middle- and high-school students are engaged on the INSPIRE platform.Supported through the generosity of ASME Foundation donors and in collaboration with EverFi, ASME INSPIRE was introduced to U.S. classrooms in the fall of 2014 as an online, in-class experience, designed to use gaming t echnology that leans on coding and algebra-based skill sets to complete a series of missions that celebrate the E in STEM. Rounding out the student experience are a series of career cards that highlight unique and compelling fields in engineering. Over the course of three years, ASME INSPIRE has reached more than 100,000 students across the country.Beyond the impressive numbers, measuring the impact of a program like INSPIRE in real time can be daunting, but the programs experience at Joseph A. Cavallaro School Middle School in Brooklyn, N.Y., offers insight and validation. Students from Joseph A. Cavallaro School Middle School show their enthusiasm for the ASME INSPIRE program during the celebration on May 17.On May 17, the school marked the programs third year as part of its curriculum with a celebration where 63 of its sixth-grade students were recognized for successfully completing of all 16 missions of the INSPIRE online program. During the event, students shared their career aspirations math teacher, web designer, engineer, game developer, neurosurgeon along with an appreciation for how INSPIRE brings a more dynamic and fun STEM element into their classroom experience. All told, more than 300 Cavallaro students have used INSPIRE since it was introduced to the school in the fall of 2014.To learn more about ASME INSPIRE and K12 STEM education overall, please contact Patti Jo Rosenthal, Programs and Philanthropy, at Patti Jo Rosenthal, Programs and Philanthropy

Monday, November 25, 2019

4 keys to successful teamwork

4 keys to successful gruppework4 keys to successful teamworkEffective teamwork is the number one rule of an organizations success. It has many benefits such as increased productivity, improved work quality, increased employee morale and etc.Putting togetzu sich a great team may seem like a simple task. Hire the best individuals and there you go Unfortunately, it doesnt work like that in the real world because making a group of different people work together in harmony is in fact a very difficult task. There are certain key elements to it. Below you can find 4 of them.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreOpen CommunicationCommunication is one of the most important aspects of team working. Team members must be able to say what they think, share their ideas, ask questions to their teammates. In addition, all team members must provide honest feedback to each other in order to grow as a t eam. It would be also very helpful for the team if all members try to get to know each other on a personal level.RespectTeam members are not supposed to like each other but they should show mutual respect. There may be conflicts between members of the team but the team leader should find a way to solve these conflicts. Also, every team member should have equal work load and should not try to impute his/her own share of the work to someone else. Additional ways of showing respect to members include arriving to meetings on time, being prepared for the meetings and listening to team members ideas even if you dont agree with them.CommitmentTeam members must be committed to the team. They should understand the overall goals and direction of the team as well as find out how they fit in to the overall structure of the team. Each team member can show his/her dedication to the team by going that extra mile or invest additional time and energy to really come up with innovative solutions to th eir business problems.AdaptabilityBeing adaptable means pushing yourself out of the comfort zone to face with new situations and as a result, grow. Team members must be adaptable because they need to grow as an individual. Moreover, change is constant. For example a team member can change, a project can change or a client can change. Therefore, all of the team members must be flexible and keep calm when change happens.This article originally appeared on Personal Branding Blog.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Strengthen Your Search With Social Media

Strengthen Your Search With Social MediaStrengthen Your Search With Social MediaTake a page from your kids playbook and leverage social media for your job search.Fathers Day is just around the corner. Its a time to honor the father figures in your life and thank them for their support and guidance over the years. Its also a popular time to share fatherly advice and life lessons.Theres much you can learn from your parents however, dont overlook the lessons your children can provide, especially when it comes to the job search. In todays digital society, if youre not incorporating social media into your job-search strategy, you could unknowingly hurt your chances of landing that dream job.If your children are in their teens or older, its panzerschrank to assume they are familiar with most social media channels. This Fathers Day, instead of asking for another tie or golf club, ask your children to give you a lesson in social media. Here are five ways you can apply your new knowledge to g et ahead in the job search.Help employers find youA Jobvite social recruiting survey revealed that 92 percent of recruiters and HR professionals use social media as part of their recruiting strategy. Develop at least one professional online profile that aligns with your resume and supports your job goals. Actively participate in targeted groups on LinkedIn and industry-specific membership associations. Post comments, attend meetings and events, and share relevant articles recruiters also join these groups and associations to scout for potential candidates.Uncover additional job leadsWhen youre looking for a job, use every tool at your disposal to find as many relevant job leads as possible. This includes social media sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Find your target employers and follow them to keep an eye out for new openings. Join a few relevant online groups and abflug connecting with other professionals in your field. This will often lead to new networking opportuniti es, informational bewerbungsinterviews and ultimately, additional job leads.Improve your odds of a call backStudies have shown that youre ten times more likely to land an interview when your application includes an employee referral. Social media is a great way to manage your network and meet new connections. Always check your network and find out if you know someone at the company before you apply. You should include this persons name in the online application, mention the connection in your cover letter or have your contact pass your resume directly on to the hiring manager.Prepare for interviewsIn our technology-driven world, theres no excuse for arriving to an interview unprepared. With just a few keystrokes, you have access to a ton of information about your prospective employer and their business. Incorporate social media into your research by following the company on Twitter, and taking a look at their Facebook page and Pinterest boards. These channels can provide great insig ht into the companys culture, and will help you develop questions for the interview process.Develop your digital storyA study found that 86 percent of HR professionals and recruiters admit to reviewing candidates social network profiles as part of the screening process. Use your online presence to support and expand upon the story you tell through your resume and during interviews. Share articles, solicit recommendations from colleagues and clients, display your professional affiliations and share your work. These additional details add color to your career history and provide employers with a more rounded view of your expertise and passion for a particular industry.While it isnt necessary to adopt your kids social media habits and frankly, you shouldnt it is important to have an understanding of how each channel works. Ask your kids to give you a crash course in social media this weekend so you can kick your job search up a notch next week.